"My Day" Begins about 6.00am..have an alarm clock that crows like a rooster..Jump out of bed..well (sort of jump out)Make a cup of coffee and grab the camera..kick cat!!! say gidday to budgie..get dog lead..and walk the dog to the beach..He has actually learnt to sit stll when I get ready to take a photo. After watching sun come up about 60 photos later it is time to wake up My wife and the kids..about 6.45am.Then another coffee and watch the news...kids are ready to go at 7.10am so I give them a lift to bus stop to await school bus.arrive at work at 7.30am..then start computer..yell abuse at Bigpond because nothing is working on the computer..Finally when it gets going I start logging on to work system,then Pattycam,check emails and blogger..then upload sunsets and sunrises to Buzznet site.Only allowed 10 a day so pick best 10 and scrap rest of them.Then my day has been full of learning new system...swearing at BIGPOND :-(( and listening to customers life stories...Oh no!! just missed the smoko van...ah well...theres allways dinner tonite..Then I shut down system at 4.40pm and leave for home..Drop into bottle shop to pick up some ah la coolabar top of the range dry red cask wine..Home at 5.00pm...kiss wife and kids..pat dog...kick cat..whistle to budgie..and tonite it will be have a wine then a shower and off to our community centre to open Bar at 6.00pm...Listen to all the beach life storys...have a meat raffle...which I never ever win,shut bar at 11.30pm and kick them all out at 12.00pm..should be in bed by 12.30pm then get up at 6.00am to kick the cat all over again ...so that is my day...now I gotta get back to work !!! :-)
posted by \"Johnno\"
Oi!!! Johnno, Whats your beef with the poor cat?
Kick the dog once in awhile. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool ;-)
gary, the secret is to say wat is on your mind at that time at that very moment!!!
Besides we love our Burmese cat :-)))
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