Thursday, April 28, 2005

And what right-minded Texan wouldn't want to show off their prize winning steer?? This is Mojo, my oldest son's Champion Chianina that he placed first in breed with last year at the livestock show!!!  Posted by Hello


Sue said...

He is such a beautiful animal. I would be absolutely no good as a farmer, I couldn't bear to kill or have killed, any animal.

Leigh said...

He finished out at 1213lbs. And I wish I could tell you that Mojo was still with us...he is in spirit. I agree with you Sue, it's really really hard. But, Mojo was sold at the auction, and he paid for almost all of Gentle Ben's college education (along with some good fun stuff).

I was in alot worse shape when we auctioned off the pig (Monalisa) the year before. I absolutely adored her. She was the smartest animal that I had ever seen. I was very close to her (I sounds silly, but she actually had a great personality and a terribly twisted sense of humor)

Leigh said...

But isn't he GORGEOUS???