Yes I'm upset! Four more years with Military dodging, bible thumping, cheerleading, lier lier lier pants on fire, Mr. Twig! Now I feel better. I fear for the deficit that our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will be saddled with. He is no friend to the conservation of our land especially our beautiful Pacific Northwest. I think we all know he is not the one making the important decisions of this land. He has Cheney and Rowe to do that. I swear I see puppet strings on his arms and legs every time he makes a speech let alone the buldge on his back that even I saw, while on the podium for his first debate with Kerry. Too bad it didn't short out and then the world would have really seen his intelligence come out! The things I fear now: Where next will he invade?, How long before the draft is brought back?, He will destroy the Social Security as we know it so the young people can invest and where will they be investing? I think we all know the answer to that. What I wish: ALL of his military records were found and published, His REAL reason for going into Iraq was made known, His REAL ties to the Arabs and the Royal family there and the Taliban.(How ever you spell it!) I hate to think that after all the Republican errors involving the war, Halliburton, his military service, missing explosives,the flu vacine, etc. that we still have Americans that will put this man back into office by blind faith alone. America is being controlled by fear tactics every day of our lives. I wonder what color the terriorist alert is today? Do I feel any safer after his election in 2000 and post 9/11? A resounding NO! I think that has been proven at our ports and airports. If it continues I do fear for my grandchildren. Me thinks we are in trouble! Thanks for listening. Teddy
New author website!
9 years ago
1 comment:
Your welcome Teddy.
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