Friday, December 31, 2004

How I spent my Christmas

As you may recall, from my October visit to my cousin Kathy’s farm in Cheney. I promised my Aunt Bea, that I would spend Christmas with them. In a call to my cousin a few days before I flew over there, she said not to bring my wimpy little over night suitcase. She told me to bring a large suitcase, because I was going to need the extra space for the presents I would be bring back.

So on Christmas Eve day, I braved the crowds at Sea Tac (Seattle Tacoma) International Airport and flew to Spokane where my cousin picked me up. While I was at Sea Tac, I saw Santa coming out of a Security office, my first thought was that he had been pulled out of line and had been frisked. Poor Santa, he was going to be late for his Christmas rounds. I spent Christmas Eve and day at my cousin’s farm in Cheney. I came home Sunday evening.

It was fun, my cousin gave me a WSU (Washington State University) Cougar football team sweatshirt, a cookbook, Xmas coffee mug and plate, and a box of Chocolates. She has sick senses of humor, because I had told her how I was teasing these two neighbor ladies about how much better the University of Washington (in Seattle) Huskies football team was to the WSU (in Eastern Washington) Cougar team. This year, the Cougars beat the Huskies in the Apple Bowl (after lousing six years in a row to the Huskies). I also got to see my cousin's daughter Sheri Lynn (I hadn't seen her in 15 years) and her husband.

We went to see my Aunt Bea and Uncle Ed on Christmas day. We opened presents and had dinner there. Wouldn't you know it, I had to sit at the portable card table with Sheri Lynn, her husband and Kathy. I told them that us kids still couldn't eat with the grown ups :(. I had a good time. I brought a portrait of my grandfather as a little boy, Mom's doll, and her grandmother’s wedding ring to my Aunt as a present. She was delighted to get them. My Uncle was surprisingly nice, and thanked us for coming. We where told by the Nursing assistance, that my Uncle was couched to be nice. He usually likes to be the center of attraction, and throws a fit if he’s not.

My Aunt asked me when I was coming back. I told her soon, my cousin said I should come back before they get real busy on the farm in March.

Happy New Years

Happy New years to Patty, Kerri, Sue, Kevin, Johnno, Brispaul, Teddy, and Leigh. Enjoy your New Years Eve. Eat, Drink and be Merry, and wishing you all safe journey if you are travelling over New Years. :) Welcome back Leigh, we missed you.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


According to Sky News, 69,000 are confirmed dead. There just aren't the words.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas

Everyone, have a wonderful Christmas. I'm looking forward to Christmas, because it means that after Christmas Eve, I don't have to go back to work until New Years Eve. How wonderful is that. I love the cooking bit on Christmas morning, and it will be my excuse to have roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings, (I'm sure one little Yorkshire pudding won't hurt me my diabetes).

So, however you celebrate Christmas, (if you celetrate Christmas) and whatever your Christmas fayre will be, have a wonderfully Merry Christmas.

Love Sue

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Word Number 6.....cicada
Put here by\\\\\\\" JOHNNO\\\\\\\"

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Busy days

My day ahead consists of a totally new morning routine (Insulin, blood pressure tablets, breakfast, diabetes tablet), (in that order). Today that will be followed by, work 9.30 to 2.30, (I'm covering for someone who has the week off), then an extra hour tagged on to the end of that (I have to make it up for Friday, the shop shuts at six, so I have to make the time up). Pick up prescription from the chemist. Then a trip to Somerfield in Pangbourne, to pick up Turkey and two stuffed loins of pork. Then to Tesco to do final Christmas food shopping. Hopefully by about 7.30pm or 8pm I may get a sit down and a cup of coffee.

Tomorrow, well, another round of housework.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Happy Holidays

Here's wishing all of you a very Happy Holiday Season and a prosperous and healthy New Year from the beautiful Oregon Coast. Teddy

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Close call with a crocodile

This is why I dont swim in the ocean even with stinger nets
click here

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


On the 3rd November, I was diagnosed with diabetes. Was immediately put on tablets to try and control the diabetes, (6 a day), alas these did not work, the blood sugars were still high. Today, I have had my first Insulin injections. My life has changed ever so slightly. Just wanted to share this with you.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Best Beach But we already knew that :-)))
Put here by\\\\\\\" JOHNNO\\\\\\\"

The Cicada evolving
Put here by\\\\\\\" JOHNNO\\\\\\\"

Saturday, December 11, 2004

"amazing experience"

Had an amazing experience today...actually saw a cicada coming out of its shell.
I have been listening to the noisy insects for years and seeing their shells but never ever saw one evolve...and yes I did have my camera close bycicadaI hope this works...if not I will post the photo

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Santa was a bit slow to get out off the way
Put here by\\\\\\\" JOHNNO\\\\\\\"

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

WE ARE IN THE RUNNING FOR THE BEST BEACH "cough'' yes it is my photo on page threeHEAVENLY ... anyone who has spent a perfect day fishing, swimming or simply lazing at Saunders Beach - the location for this photograph by John Sheil - will not be surprised to hear it is in the running for best beach in the Townsville Bulletin's Best of Thuringowa competition. The competition, a people's choice award covering 30 categories, is being held in recognition of the 125th anniversary of Thuringowa. The results will appear in a special feature in the Townsville Bulletin this Friday, December 10.

Put here by\\\\\\\" JOHNNO\\\\\\\"

Monday, December 06, 2004

"Santas nearly here" The kids are getting excited...we had our kids xmas in the park yesterday..80 kids in all..feeling a bit worn out today,they do that to you!!
Put here by\\\\\\\" JOHNNO\\\\\\\"

Thursday, December 02, 2004

For Brispaul is this better :-)))
Put here by\\\\\\\" JOHNNO\\\\\\\"

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

"Great Aussie Sunset" I took this through a hole in a shell,It sort of looks like a map of Australian or a type of heart shape!!
Put here by\\\\\\\" JOHNNO\\\\\\\"