As you may recall, from my October visit to my cousin Kathy’s farm in Cheney. I promised my Aunt Bea, that I would spend Christmas with them. In a call to my cousin a few days before I flew over there, she said not to bring my wimpy little over night suitcase. She told me to bring a large suitcase, because I was going to need the extra space for the presents I would be bring back.
So on Christmas Eve day, I braved the crowds at Sea Tac (Seattle Tacoma) International Airport and flew to Spokane where my cousin picked me up. While I was at Sea Tac, I saw Santa coming out of a Security office, my first thought was that he had been pulled out of line and had been frisked. Poor Santa, he was going to be late for his Christmas rounds. I spent Christmas Eve and day at my cousin’s farm in Cheney. I came home Sunday evening.
It was fun, my cousin gave me a WSU (Washington State University) Cougar football team sweatshirt, a cookbook, Xmas coffee mug and plate, and a box of Chocolates. She has sick senses of humor, because I had told her how I was teasing these two neighbor ladies about how much better the University of Washington (in Seattle) Huskies football team was to the WSU (in Eastern Washington) Cougar team. This year, the Cougars beat the Huskies in the Apple Bowl (after lousing six years in a row to the Huskies). I also got to see my cousin's daughter Sheri Lynn (I hadn't seen her in 15 years) and her husband.
We went to see my Aunt Bea and Uncle Ed on Christmas day. We opened presents and had dinner there. Wouldn't you know it, I had to sit at the portable card table with Sheri Lynn, her husband and Kathy. I told them that us kids still couldn't eat with the grown ups :(. I had a good time. I brought a portrait of my grandfather as a little boy, Mom's doll, and her grandmother’s wedding ring to my Aunt as a present. She was delighted to get them. My Uncle was surprisingly nice, and thanked us for coming. We where told by the Nursing assistance, that my Uncle was couched to be nice. He usually likes to be the center of attraction, and throws a fit if he’s not.
My Aunt asked me when I was coming back. I told her soon, my cousin said I should come back before they get real busy on the farm in March.
New author website!
9 years ago
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