Friday, October 29, 2004

'' Pelican at dawn"
Put here by\\\" JOHNNO\\\"

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A visit to very careful
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Monday, October 25, 2004

My first day back to Work

My first day back to work after a 2 year, 4 month layoff was rather emotional.

First I went to a four hour Orientation meeting at 7:30AM. I received my new badge and a packet of information and forms as I went into the auditorium. There where 300 people with identical packets there. The speakers asked to see how many people were being recalled and who were new hires, almost two-thirds were recalled to work. They told us all about Boeing and all of its different business groups. Boeing has 160,000 employees through out the World in 60 countries. We all listen to the speakers talk about the various financial plans, health plans, life insurance plans, and pension plans. Then we had an ethic lesson on how to handle a situation where we would have access to preparatory information of another company’s proposal. Then we signed forms stating that we had been given the ethics training and a couple other forms.

After all that, we had to listen to a half-hour speech from our representative unions that represent the Engineering and Machinist employees at Boeing. Then we had lunch.

I didn’t get to my assigned work place until 1:30PM. As I walked through the security gate, I felt a little choked up, returning to my old work place. Had to wait a few seconds as the badge reader scanned the database to verify my badge?

Everyone was glad to see me back at work, and came around and shook my hand. They had ordered me a computer for my desk, but the site support people hadn't delivered it yet.

The building still has the nauseating pale Mustard yellow walls, and the old blast doors it had during the 60’s. They where installed by Civil Defense to protect us during nuclear attack from radiation, as we all where supposed to live in the inner hallways for a week or two with supplies. The supplies where throwin away a long time ago.

On the way home, I had the front left tire blow out on me, so I had to put the spare on and drive to the Tire Dealer. Fortunately the tire was under warranty, so I got a new one for the price of balancing the wheel $7.50. :D

Well, I'm glad I'm back to work, layoff was a very trying time for me.

Round the world for Royal Flying Doctors

Its on again,Every year about this time my brother gets involved in a virtual round the world flight in a Boeing 747-400 simulator which is being built in our shop in Sydney,Australia.Starts on 1st November,they live for a week at the shop eating flight food,and drinking beer I think!!!You can actually buy seats for different sections of the journey and follow the flight path around the world, all proceeds go to Royal Flying Doctorsworldflight
If you would like to have a guided tour of the cocpit and how it was built.,click here747-400
I think I did this right,Gary you will enjoy this.

Friday, October 22, 2004

"PINK RIBBON DAY" Dont forget next Monday is Australia's Walk of hope Breast cancer day.Pink ribbons all round,a good cause!!
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Tonites sunset
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

5.30 am today from the Northern insomniac at the beach..Bigpond is not working again but the cant stop me sending photos :-)
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Pattycam Watchers Blog

Woops,I think I have stirred Up a hornets nest,But I do love my Beach /Thats if I have done this right Still learning this html stuff news story

Monday, October 18, 2004

Exercise Block !1. PLace block on floor 2.Walk around it twice 3.sit down and relax. You have just walked around the block twice...Walking is good for you. They actually sell these in America
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Saturday, October 16, 2004

"Exercise Block"Instuctions 1.Place block on floor 2. Walk around it twice 3. Sit down and relax You have just walked around the block twice. WALKING IS GOOD FOR YOU!
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Thursday, October 14, 2004

"DONT JUMP'' We promise we will all be good!!!
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

US hurricanes may spell cyclone woes for Qld
Weather forecasters say the severe hurricane season being experienced in the United States may point to the return of an active cyclone season along the Queensland coast.
Jeff Callaghan from the Bureau of Meteorology's severe weather section, says the Florida coast has entered a new 20-year generational weather pattern of advanced hurricane activity.
He says Australia's also due for a generational change and expects the region to experience between four and five cyclones in the next season, which starts early next month.
"In any given year we can get between one and two impacts, that means they'll come close enough to cause flooding, or damage, or the like," he said.
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My Buzznet photos

Ok I think I have finally worked this Blog thingy and html out,with the help of my 13 year old. Precious girl she is ,if this works Just click on Beachut and have a guided tour of Australian beaches etc.All my photos,just work thru my gallerys which you will have to scroll down too. Beachut

Monday, October 11, 2004

"Magnetic Island" Taken thru the norfolk pines the council has planted along our beach front.
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Friday, October 08, 2004

The Bus Tour

This Tour bus driver had just finished a weeklong tour, and was looking for a nice
long weekend. When he got home, he collapses in his easy chair. No sooner than he had done that, the phone rings, the tour manager was on the line. He asked the driver if he could take out a group of deaf mutes on a day sight seeing tour.

The bus driver complained that he was exhausted and looking forward to a little rest and relaxation. The tour manager said that the bus driver was the only one who knew sign language, and promised him a week paid vacation if he did this. The bus driver reluctantly agreed to take them.

The next morning the driver arrived at the station to drive the guided tour. The group of deaf mutes where already there with their translator. The translator told the bus driver that they where ready to begin the tour. He signed for them all to get on the bus.

He was driving them through the countryside, telling them the history of the area and the translator was signing what he said. After some time the translator asked the driver, if there was a place where they could stop and have some food and refreshments. He said he knew of a place and drove them there.

They all filed out of the bus and hit the rest rooms. Then some of them went to the bar and ordered drinks. The bartender was serving drinks, when he noticed one of the Customers tilting his head back, closing his eyes and opening his mouth. This startled the bartender, but he continued to serve drinks. Pretty soon almost everyone at the bar was doing the same thing, tilting their heads back, closed their eyes and opening their mouths.

Now the bartender was scared, he ran over to the bus driver who was at a corner table, reading the paper and drinking a soft drink.

"What are they doing?" said the bartender to the driver. The driver put down his paper and said “Oh God! now we will never get out of here".

Why? said the bartender. "Their singing”.

BTW: I told this joke on a bus tour of the South Island of New Zealand in 1980.
Every one including the bus driver loved it. :D

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Re: You are what you eat!!

Breakfast: Coffee
Lunch: Wholemeal Bread, thinly sliced beef, with salad. Pieces of orange and grapegruit.
Tea: Pitta Bread with sliced meat and salad.
Supper: Fruit and small portion of low fat custard.
Additional: Loads of water.

"The face" Someone submitted this to photo site,can u see the face
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

City Boy visits the Farm

I just returned from visiting my cousin’s farm in Eastern Washington. After many invitations to visit, I finally had the chance to visit. Unfortunately it was a bittersweet occasion.

My mother’s sister and her husband had moved over to Cheney, which are a few miles outside of the city of Spokane many years ago. Spokane is 300 miles (482.80 km) east of Seattle, Washington. It takes 6 hours to drive to Spokane. In between there is the Cascade Mountain range, the Columbia River and miles of dessert to cross. It can be hazardous to drive over the mountain pass during winter.

Mother and my, first attempt was to fly over to Spokane during the Christmas season some 15 years ago. We were successful, but my Aunts daughter and her daughter had the Chicken pox, so her husband drove us from the airport to visit with my Aunt for Christmas. After many years, several back surgeries, Moms Hip replacement and death. I remembered that I had warned mother that she had to see her sister before one of them died. It was time to make a visit.

The flight over was uneventful (kicking myself for not booking a seat on the right side of the plane (Who knew Mt. Saint Helen would blow that day?). My cousin Kathy picked me up at the airport and whisk me of to see my Aunt Beatrice, then we went to the VFW hall for a Spaghetti dinner. Had to watch what I said there, Republicans all over the place. We staid up to 12:30 catching up on things. I was surprised that they live in a nice ranch style house. My pre conception was an old two-story farmhouse.

Saturday morning, David (my cousin’s husband) drove me around the farm. They have 4 square miles (6.44 square kilometers) of land (all rolling hills) which they grow Wheat on. He took me to a point high on a hill, that over looked the Palouse Plateau. I could see 100 miles (160.93 kilometers) to the south, almost into Oregon and Idaho. David, a ranch hand and Kathy run the farm. Have to admire them for their independence and self-reliance.

Later Kathy and I went to see my Aunt Bea again. I was showing her pictures of Mom and Dad, when my Uncle (100 years old) hinted that it was 4:00 o clock and they where suppose to have dinner and we had to leave. They have caregivers taking care of them in their home. Kathy and I left. She told me, that he was mad because he wasn't getting the attention. Also I found out that he was abusive to her (he adopted her when he married my Aunt) and his own two sons from his previous marriage. After dinner, I showed Kathy how to use the Word program on the computer. She is going to fix up her part of the family tree, that I had given her a copy of the data set and a back up copy.

Sunday morning, David and I went out to bring in a portable generator that they use to pump water to a watering trough for the cattle. They are leasing part of their land to another farmer for grazing. He showed me his Combine that he uses to harvest the Wheat. I sat in the driver’s seat as he explained the controls to me. After that we all went to Aunt Bea's for her Birthday party (she is 88 years old). My Uncle behaved himself. Then it was time to go to the airport, to come home. My aunt was in tears, because I had to go, and asked if I would come over for Christmas. I have to book the flight now.


Pattycam Watchers BlogI knew I forgot something this morning...Breakfast...two coffees...or was that 3

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Careful what you wish for

Two guys in a row boat are fishing on a lake. A bottle floats by.
So one guy grabs the bottle and brings it on board. They find that
the bottle has a cork in it, so they pull it out.
Smoke starts pouring out of the bottle, and a Genie appears.

The Genie says, "you have released me from the bottle, so I will
grant you one wish".

One guy says "I wish the lake was full of beer".

The Genie says "It is done" and disappears.

After awhile of drinking beer, one of the guys all of a
sudden gets mad and yells at the other guy

I found that island in your photo :-)
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Today at dawn Taken at 6.00am...with coffee in one hand and camera in other...Lifes a Beach!!
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

"Red sky in the morning" Taken at sand level
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"

Friday, October 01, 2004

"The pink sunset"
Put here by\" JOHNNO\"