What started as a normal weekend,Had me run off my feet.Got home from work at 5.00pm friday.Then opened the bar at 6.00,to be confronted by our town drunk ...No not me,!!!! but "Beercan". Turns out he has had the name for years.Shocked us all when he told us he was 53 years old.We all thought more like 73.Makes you want to become a teetotolar.
Anyhow, I kicked them all out at 11.30 and started heading off home,And guess who should be lying in the middle of the road ??but yes "Beercan".
We loaded him up in the ute and drove him home,much to the discust of my 11 year old.Well at this stage it was neally midnite and time for bed as I work at 7.30am Saturdays.
Phone Rings,Security on the other end,I have mulitple alarms going off at the shop,I really need this.So off to work with a pillow and blanket expecting broken glass ect!! ect!! To my suprise we had only had a blackout and the backup battery was not charging so that is why alarm went off.
Now wide awake so it is time to catch up on computer work and drink coffee.By 2.30 I decide to call it a nite and get some rest.
At 6.00am a truck pulls up out the front with a fridge van on the back,he is an interstater friend of mine carting bananas from North Queensland to the Brisbane Markets.After the usual words of "Did you wet the bed or something".
I really hate that sentence...sooooo original!!! He proceeds to tell me that his fridge used to cool a whole trailer load of bananas and fish"coral trout" has broken down and do I know of any fridge electricians.Now this "IS" Saturday morning in Townsville and I tell him he will be very lucky to find anyone open.
About 9.00am I finally find him a repair person and send him on his way so I can serve some customers.By home time at midday I am getting tired.Shopping to do on way home and pick up father in law from pub,he loves a bet on the horses.By the time we get home there are some friends at our place for an afternoon drink.Their goes my nap.
They finally leave at 7.00pm and we then get a phone call inviting us to neighbours house at other end of beach.Great!!!! Not happy Jan!! Anyhow these friends have a nice wine cellar and home brew kit with bar and pool table so how can a person resist that.My wife Cathy lasts till about 2.00am and goes home and leaves me there.I left about 4.30am and headed off home,no keys so am sort of locked out of the house and fall asleep on varandah as I dont want to wake everyone.Father in law wakes me at 7.00am and lets me in.Off to bed>
Kids come in and wake me at midday as it is Fathers day and we are booked in for lunch at local Bistro in town.Cannot find new camera that I took to neighbours so must have left it there.Will drop in later and pick it up.So we all head off to the bistro and do the lunch thing and arrive back home about 3.00pm.
I will be back shortly dear!! just going to pick up my camera.Now you have to realise,my camera is my right arm and I had obout 150 pickys in the memory card.
I arrive at friends place,say all the giddays and what a great nite it was etc!! I must go now ,where did I leave camera?? You took your camera home they tell me!! Now this is when I start to feel really sick,get back into the car and follow where I would have walked home,looking at both sides of the street as I was proberly a little bit tired and emotional at 4.30am.No camera so I go home and tell Cathy I am going for a nap.
She tells me she will go and have a look and put a notice in the shop notice board,we have a lot of rentals and visitors on weekends so I was not confident.We also had a half inch of rain overnite so all is lost.Thirty minutes later my daughter comes in with my right arm.They found it under the fig tree in my back yard.
The greatest fathers day present of all,
Thanks Cathy and kids for a wonderful day
New author website!
9 years ago
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