**sigh** here we go...
1. Leigh is actually my middle name.
2. My father is American, my mother is British.
3. I went to school in the UK as a child and being from the south, the kids teased me relentlessly because of my accent (which I soon learned to modify, now I have no accent.)
4. I was born one minute and one year to the day after my brother died from leukemia.
5. My younger brother died at age 25 from a horrendous motorcycle accident.
6. My dad resembles Kenny Rogers (the singer) and they were classmates at high school.
7. I've only ever really had one job, staying for 14 years and then taking early retirement when offered, post 9/11 because the airline industry was in such bad shape after those events. I took the early-out option to prevent others from being made redundant (plus I didnt want/need to work anymore, wanted to be at home with my family).
8. I have two sons, one is 19 from my first marriage and one who is 10, from my second marriage. They are both the center of my universe.
9. I have discovered that I really dont care for children...I prefer the company of my own.
10. I still consider my first husband to be the love of my life (I was so bloody young)
11. I have always had auburn hair and when I was in school I used to sit on it because it was so long. My Mom took me to get it all cut off when I was about 9, into a cute little page boy style and my Dad refused to speak to my Mom for a week afterwards.
12. I used to go squirrel hunting with my Grandpa when I was a kid.
13. I love to go fishing with my Dad. It's not the fishing I enjoy, its the time being spent with my Dad.
14. My Grandpa was a millionaire.
15. I absolutely hate housework but my family deserves a clean home to be proud of so I do it, or I get someone in to do it for me.
16. I live to go to the spa, facials, manicures, pedicures...love it love it love it.
17. I hate having a cell phone.
18. I love having email.
19. I prefer hot weather to cold.
20. I love being from Texas. We are a sturdy, proud bunch of folks.
21. I think I look like a potato with legs..and short legs at that.
22. I am 1/16th Cherokee Indian and dont have to shave my legs and wax my eyebrows as much as most women.
23. My favorite color is green, no blue, no red, no orange...hell..I love color..lots and lots of it.
24. I hate large, cheap jewelry on women.
25. I love my husbands hands.
26. I have an irrational fear of big blue mailboxes. (We've discussed this ridiculous subject before, so I won't elaborate)
27. I have two dogs, two cats, and four fish and everyone has a name.
28. I love big blue skies and no clouds in the winter time.
29. I love to be squished on the tube in London during rush hour and imagining where each person is going and what their desks must look like.
30. I only ever fly first class and pout when I have to sit in the back.
31. I have no respect for silly sloppy drunk people that you have to babysit all evening. I prefer to be the designated driver (you get free cokes that way).
32. I hate spending alot of money on necessities but love spending frivolously on things that are not important.
33. I only use Clinique makeup.
34. I always wanted to run for public office.
35. I don't think I am as pretty or as nice as my younger sister. They used to call us salt and pepper..she is tall, thin, blonde and blue eyed. I used to think my Mum preferred her to me. Sometimes still do....
36. I am selfish
37. I am grumpy at times.
38. I am moody..(once a month)
39. I have a bad temper.
40. I enjoy fundraising for deserving groups.
41. I enjoy donating my time to organizations.
42. I really really disliked my youngest sons teacher last year.
43. Sometimes, I sign my checks with my maiden name (duh...)
44. Sometimes, my sister calls me by my full name (maiden name).
45. My sisters husband is a Homicide Sargeant detective with the police department and she is the one family member with a criminal record.
46. I love it when my husband tells the kids, "Just let Mom have her way".
47. I felt very very small in a big big world after the 9/11 incidents.
48. I have long fingers.
49. I have funny looking toes.
50. I love the way the sun feels thru my shirt on my back.
51. I love to get dressed up for formal events.
52. I love to wear vanilla oil behind my ears.
53. I like to smell old books.
54. I like to peel my sons' backs when they get sunburnt.
55. I scrub my kitchen sink with cleanser every morning.
56. I hate coffee.
57. I have never broken a bone in my body.
58. I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed when I found out I was pregnant with number two son.
59. I have had 1 miscarriage.
60. I would love to write a novel.
61. I love biographical type films, books, tv programes.
62. I am a reality tv junkie.
63. I never ever kill bugs in the house. I am catch and release kinda gal.
64. I was in a car accident once trying to avoid hitting a squirrel (see the irony to number 12?)
65. I have really really thick hair that I used to hate but now I love.
66. I am very insecure about whether or not people like me and feel that people were just talking about me before I entered the room.
67. I love being an EMT. I love the lights, sirens and driving thru stopped traffic and helping people that truely are ill and need my help. The way they look at you is unbelieable rewarding. Knowing that I do it for nothing makes me feel even better.
68. I love the way my car smells in the hottest part of the day just as the air conditioner comes thru.
69. I listen to the radio almost all day, even though the telly is on and volume turned all the way down.
70. I used to be afraid of being alone and now I covet singular lives. How nice it must be to put something down and it actually being there when you come back.
71. I love being a firefighter because it is so unexpected. When people see me in my turnouts they sort of look at me and wonder, "just who is this rolypoly woman in that gear and does she know what she is doing" ...
72. I absolutely deplore conflict but I have a very venomous tongue and can cut you down in an instant and then completely cut you out of my life forever with no remorse.
73. My favorite smell is in late spring early morning just as it is getting hot and then laying in a mound of red topped clover. The smell is sweet and moist and takes me back to my childhood in a split second.
74. I am turned on more by a man's intellect than his outward appearance.
75. I think that cheating starts in the mind and not with the physical act.
76. I am a very good cook.
77. I always have lights up on the house at Christmas and we always put up at least two trees.
78. When hubby retires, we are going to buy a large RV and travel the country and have sex in every one of the lower 48. We are up to 16 states so far (including Hawaii..ha ha..sorry...too much information).
79. I dont like to talk to the person seated next to me on a plane.
80. I prefer wooden floors to carpeted ones.
81. I always wear shoes..whether it's flipflops, heels, or slippers.
82. I love spending entirely too much on shoes and handbags.
83. Summer thunderstorms at night are the best.
84. I hate doing the laundry.
85. My Nanna met the Beatles, once. She also got in David Nivens face at Heathrow airport once and repeated, "You're David Niven...You're David Niven" to which he replied very softly, "Yes, Madam...yes.." and tried to slope off unnoticed by the rest of the standers-by. She adored him. She also sold Roger Moore and his young daughter a pair of little girl wellies at Dolcis shoe store in Slough High Street.
86. I met MacGyver, Lyle Lovett, Jaclyn Smith, Tracey Ullman, Michael Caine, Brooke Shields, and some smalltime soap actors while working for the airline.
87. I have never been to a rave.
88. I love to embarrass my kids.
89. My husband says I snore.
90. I am a Daddy's girl but see and go to lunch with my Mom more often.
91. I want my ashes scattered at Lake Tahoe when I die. It is my absolute favorite place in the world.
92. I miss my paternal Grandmother very much. She was a kind, loving and wise woman.
93. I like to garden in the back while I am topless.
94. I have never cheated on my taxes and have been audited three times.
95. I love to gamble. Casinos, horses, dogs, football games...
96. I love to go on long walks in any weather.
97. My second toe is longer than my first toe (on both feet)
98. I still have a pencil lead in my right thigh from an accident when I was 7 yrs old.
99. I would like to have a boob lift.
100. Artichokes are my favorite vegetable.
New author website!
9 years ago
I was uncomfortable about it at first..but it became a bit cathartic towards the end..especially when I hit the things that were in reference to my personality faults..selfish, moody..etc...
I encourage everyone to do the same...come on you lot...get your fingers out!!!
very good Leigh...I found it great after the event of thinking back over the years...we are all just so much an interesting lot.
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