Here are my 100 things. Hard to think of things to write.
1. I’m a quarter of an inch shorter than 5 ft.
2. I have brown eyes.
3. I dye my hair to cover the grey.
4. I hate the aging process.
5. I’m at the point where all the policemen look far too young to be in their jobs.
6. I like jewellery.
7. I like doing crafts, I do cross stitch, I’ve made dolls houses, and I make jewellery, necklaces made from silver plated wire and beads, and I love wearing them too, as well, also.
8. I collect Teddy Bears.
9. I still have my teddy from when I was two.
10. I collect elephants.
11. I love animals.
12. I couldn’t kill a thing.
13. I love Bassett Hounds, and have had two that lived to 13, and the next one was nearly 17 when she died. The little dog we have now is a Collie Cross, (crossed with what, I do not know).
14. When I was a child I was scared of spiders, but I find now that I love spiders (as long as it doesn’t run too quickly towards me).
15. I hate going out, to pubs or restaurants, too many people.
16. I like going on days out, yesterday we went to Poole and Bournemouth, there are lovely sandy beaches there.
17. I hate sitting on a beach surrounded by loads of people (and will only sit there for five minutes while Rob has a swim), but can appreciate being on a deserted beach looking out onto the ocean.
18. I like Brighton, there are a lot of little unique shops there, interesting to look around.
19. I like different architecture.
20. I can see the beauty in Art Deco buildings and furniture.
21. I have been married for 33 years in September.
22. I think I am a snob.
23. When we were first married we lived in a flat above a greengrocers.
24. We lived in this flat for 3 years.
25. I hate my job. I work in a supermarket. It totally bores me.
26. I love my Mother and sister dearly.
27. I phone my Mother every day.
28. I wear glasses.
29. I was born in Plymouth in England.
30. I nearly drowned when I was a child. Hence, I can’t swim, and will not even paddle in the water.
31. We moved to Bradford when I was about 8 years old. I loved it there, we used to play on the Red Reck, or so we called it.
32. I had Hooping Cough when I was 9.
33. I have been to eight schools.
34. When I was 10 we moved back to the south, Gosport, and had to loose the gorgeous Yorkshire accent I had, really quick, because of the mickey taking.
35. I hated school, with a vengeance.
36. I had a Saturday job in Woolworths.
37. I had Asian flu when I was 18.
38. I did shorthand and typing, but my shorthand speed was not good because I am so heavy handed when writing, and so precise, I just couldn’t get the speed up. I can touch type a treat, and at a fair speed, and I used to do wonderful tabulation, quite large ones too, and would take pride in doing them.
39. Rob and I were married for three years before we moved from Gosport to Didcot.
40. When we were first married we lived in a flat above a greengrocers.
41. We lived in this flat for 3 years.
42. When I first moved to Didcot, I worked in a Dart Board factory. I made the metal edges to go round the dartboards.
43. I had a room to myself in the hospital, when I gave birth to my eldest boy, because I had an infection. (It was wonderful).
44. With my second boy, I was in a ward of four beds. One of the mothers and myself snored, rather loudly I think. The third girl went home, but the fourth disappeared one night. She was put into another ward, because she could not get any sleep, because of myself and this other woman that snored. Ooops.
45. I love the computer, mobile phones, and my little PDA.
46. I love Satnav.
47. I love poetry, and loved reading children’s poetry to the children when they were little.
48. I do not read a lot, but what I have read in the past are Isaac Asimov and Aldous Huxley. More recently I have read a book called Black and Blue and one called Before Women had Wings. I can not sit down and read a book, too boring.
49. I love the summer.
50. I love the Bluebells in summer
51. I love an open fire in the winter.
52. I hate Christmas.
53. I love the colour of the leaves in Autumn.
54. I love the yellow daffodils in Spring.
55. I love my camera, I love to take pictures, and even if I only get one good picture, I am happy.
56. I love my little Ford Ka. (I know what your thinking, it’s just me. Ford Ka, me.) If you had to match the car to the person, you would pick the Ford Ka for me.
57. I love colour, I love green and purple and orange, I love maroon, and yellow, and that lovely damson colour, but not blue, although that is the colour of my bathroom walls (which I thought was aqua).
58. I love flowers, their colours and their smells, and their beauty.
59. I went to Paris when I was fifteen.
60. I went to Australia when I was fifty.
61. We met my mate Patty when we were in Australia.
62. I hate flying. (When we went to Australia, it was the first time that I had flown.)
63. I hate war; I do not understand the mentality of anyone who would want to inflict pain on others.
64. I can’t stand cruelty to animals, children, anything, anyone.
65. I can cry at just about anything.
66. I prefer to watch a film rather than read a book.
67. I like Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, and Danny Devito.
68. I don’t listen to a lot of music, but if I do it would probably be Barbara Streisand, Robert Palmer, Paul McCartney, although I like Eric Clapton and various others that my husband listens to.
69. I don’t like Robbie Williams the singer, or Madonna; I think they are rather overrated.
70. I can’t stand the way the farmer near us thinks he can just shoot things, whenever he likes.
71. I can’t stand guns.
72. I do not like fox hunting, think of the stress it puts on the fox.
73. I do not like animals fighting, for money or otherwise.
74. I do not like bull fighting.
75. I do not like any bird shooting. I do not understand what pleasure people get in shooting birds, ask the bird whether they are enjoying it.
76. Sorry about this one, but I don’t like fishing just for fun.
77. I love my boys.
78. I’m not a sporty person. I really don’t like playing sports.
79. However, I did like going to the gym, as long as there isn’t any one else there. I get a bit embarrassed. Consequently, I don’t go.
80. The Iris is my favourite flower.
81. I have kept a china mouse for 38 years. His head wobbles.
82. I hate ironing.
83. I hate having wet washing hung all round the house.
84. I hate cucumber.
85. I hate prawns.
86. Don’t ask me to eat a slipper lobster, they look like giant woodlouse. Yuk.
87. I don’t like gooseberries.
88. I have two little Love Birds.
89. I have a Pale Headed Rosella. He looks just like a big budgie.
90. I would hate to be put into an old peoples home.
91. I wonder about life, and what is the meaning of it all. The answer can not be 42, surely.
92. I wonder where I would be now, if, when I was younger, I took the other path. Would I have ended up exactly where I am now.
93. I worry about my boys, was it wrong to bring them into this terrible world.
94. I love the hot sun.
95. I hate magazines for the over 50’s. What a cheek!
96. I hate it that a person is supposed to dress a certain way at different ages.
97. I really am shy.
98. I enjoy having my Blog friends on the web.
99. I started German classes years ago, but found it embarrassing when the teacher asked me questions, and I had to stand up in front of everyone.
100. Staying power, to finish these one hundred things.
New author website!
9 years ago
Very good Sue..what a bunch of interesting folk we are...
great job you can relax...who's next
Kevin and Gary should be next, I think...
Come on, you two!!!
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