Here are two pictures of my dog, her name is Bonnie. She's a rescue dog, around 12 years old, and we have had her for three years.

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We adopted her from the Blue Cross, it's an organisation that rescues animals, or their owners can take them there, if they can't look after them any more. Bonnie's previous owners adopted her from the Blue Cross when she was 3, then couldn't deal with the fact that she was slightly incontenant, and was ill treated because of it. Bonnie used to run away from her previous home, but doesn't here.
I constantly wash bed covers, 'cos when she is in bed asleep, well she can't help herself. When she is awake she is wonderful.
It took a long time for her to realise that the dustpan and brush wasn't going to hurt her, (I think she must have been smacked with a similar object before she came to us), and that when you raised your voice in play, she wasn't in trouble for anything.
Sue, She is beautiful. We need more people like you in the world.
Mom and I have taken in 2 stray cats, 2 cats given up to us and 1 we rescued from being killed along with his litter mates.
I wish people wouldn't take on pets, their not going to take care of.
Gary, Bonnie is such a dear little dog. Where she was previously, it was too much effort for them to open the kitchen door for her, then she would be in trouble for doing - whatever. (We live near to where she used to live, which really, you shouldn't do).
I can't understand why people have to be so cruel to animals.
Gary, I'm dreadful, to me everything has a right to life. I can't kill a spider.
I'm in danger of rambling on, 'cos I get quite incensed about it.
I'm with you Sue! We got both of our yellow dogs from a local 'no kill' shelter. They were both rescued as well. Shelby had been abandoned and Shawn was nearly beaten to death. When we got Shawn, he was 25lbs underweight, had a broken leg, and terrible ear infections. The ear infections, it turns out, is caused from severe beatings from his previous owner. Now his hearing is going, again, from the beatings. When I brought him home to meet my husband, as soon as he set eyes on him he vomitted, lost his water and his bowels and would cower in a different room. We figured out that it was a man that had abused him, he was fine around me.
I had to call a doggie psychiatrist (yes, I'm one of those wacky pet owners) to find out if we would ever be able to get him back to trust people ever again. She gave us some great advice and I am pleased to say, 4 yrs later, he ismy husband's dog and follows him everywhere. He is nearly deaf now, so if I need him to respond I have to tap him gently, he's so frightened of EVERYTHING, he jumps at the slightest tap. He barks for no reason (Vet thinks his hearing is coming and going).
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