Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Thankyou Leigh for the post card, it arrived yesterday (2 August 2004).  Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Glad you liked it. Shame it took so long to get there!!! The flowers in the lower left corner are Blue Bonnets, our state flower. I have them in my flowerbed in the front. Of course, I cant take any photos of my flowerbeds because they are all wilting and turning brown from the scorching heat at the moment! 108 yesterday and forcasted the same for today.

My youngest came close to heat stroke yesterday during football practice. I had to sideline him after he complained of tingling in his legs. I had him rest for half an hour until I could get him cooled down and his little heart rate down. Bless him, he was beet-red but anxious to get back out to practice!! I kept putting ice packs on the back of his neck and under his armpits and putting a cold rag on his head.