I am a little slow in getting to read all the blog entries but did get a laugh on Patty's description of her take on her trip to the US. You know I never really thought about the fork and knife thing. Being left handed I hold my fork in my left hand leaving the right one to do the cutting so I put the knife down and just eat with the fork that is in my left hand. I knew there would be an advantage to this left handedness! The coffee thing is understandable. I know many countries drink and like their coffee much stronger than here. That's why I told Patty to go to Starbucks there you would have had something more like "home". The power thing is a lesson for me. Yes out electric is on all the time. No off or on switch. Just lower watts coming into your homes and establishments. Can't imagine what caused the three push downs for the toast. Only takes one here at home. I'm glad you enjoyed the people Patty but let me tell you even us "Yanks" get tired of hearing "have a nice day!" over and over. It's like the add "can you hear me now?".
All in all I think your trip came out well and remember we are in a different world over here on the West Coast and Pacific Northwest! Wild indians still roam here so some easterners think! Just kidding. HUGS to all Teddy
New author website!
9 years ago
Well, as a Southerner, I must defend the coffee thing, or at least explain it. In Louisana, they put chicory in their coffee. I am not a coffee person..never have been, but I do make my husbands coffee for him in the morning and he likes his coffee so strong that you could use it as syrup!!!
I feel your pain, Patty!!!
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